WrestleMania 8 or 9 - worse ending

Fact is, Hogan wasnt comng back for WM 9 with business in decline like it was so that he could he could wrestle a one of tag match with Beefcake, you knew going in he was going to be involved in the main event some how or another and set up at least one more match to make money off him. I was in High School at the time and even I knew this. To that end, the Mania 9 ending wasnt bad, it was a surprise and set us up for another big event, which YokoZuna went over, solidifying both his spot as champion and as the company's top heel.

WM 8 ending was just plain bad. For starters, there were two high profile., heavily promoted matches that were way more entertaining (Piper/Hart & Savage-Flair). Typically WM was careful not have more than one match that people really cared about that might overshadow Hogan. Putting him against Sid, about as big a stiff as a worker as they could have found, made things worse. The botched ending, the nonsensical "Who The H#$% IS That??" ending with the never before seen Papa Shango, it was just plain bad. Add the fact that Hogan-Sid was a hastily put togother match, almost last second, after WWE ran Hogan-Flair WM Promos ON TV because Hogan now was leaving (along with Piper) with the Federal Steroid Investigation heating up, it was a veritable circus.

Granted, Flair-Savage was also hastily thrown together but the makings of that fued, playing off a similar NWA angle between Flair & Jimmy Garvin circa 1987, was much better played than Sid's Ho Hum Heel Turn. Those two, particularly Flair, really worked the TV shows and promos hard to generate interest and made that encounter, an 80s Dream Match Scenario almost as good as Hogan-Flair, much more interesting. The fact the match had a fan pleasing ending, it got more promotion on TV leading into the event, and was a much better performed match made it the perfect choice for show closer. Simply put, no matter what Hogan did, the feud with Sid wasnt played out as well on TV, didnt get the air time Savage-Flair did, and they couldnt compete performance wise with both Piper-Hart & Savage-Flair on the same card, it was doomed to disappoint.

Of course, Hogan wasnt leaving WM and WWE on a loss after all he had done, especialy since it was unclear how long his hiatus would be so Sid (who got fired shortly afterwards anyway) wasnt going over. Flair, the biggest Non-WWE star in wrestling, wasnt beating Vince's No. 1 All Time Guy at Mania, at least not without some sort of immediate re-match like at SummerSlam which wasnt happening with Hogan leaving, but it made even less sense for Hogan to beat Flair and become champ if he wasnt staying on the show.

Tough situation all around but they would have been better with Hogan's match next to last, Savage-Flair as the show closer, then Hogan comes down to the ring and helps Savage celebrate to end the show on a high note and give Savage that "Seal Of Approval" going forward. Plus, this would have potentialy set up a Hogan return (If he wanted one) both by "Stealing Savage's spotlight" and/or "Rubbing it in Flair's face" giving him a reasonable match/feud if he came back.
