Should you take Raphaels deal bg3?

Should you take Raphael’s deal in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Accepting Raphael’s deal in Baldur’s Gate 3 may seem tempting, but it comes with consequences. Accepting his offer leads to disapproval from the core party members, along with major sacrifices in later parts of the game. On the other hand, rejecting Raphael’s deal has few negative consequences. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.

What happens if you agree to give Raphael the crown?

If you agree to give Raphael the Crown of Karsus in exchange for the Orphic Hammer and sign a contract, you will receive the Legendary weapon. This opens up a series of alternate endings to the game.

What happens if you take Raphael’s deal in Act 1?

If you choose to accept Raphael’s deal in Act 1, he will ask for a favor in return. In exchange for purging the parasite from you, he will ask you to retrieve the crown that controls the Elder Brain. This will grant Raphael a hell of a lot of power.

What happens if you let Astarion complete the ritual?

If you let Astarion complete the ritual, he will become much more “good-aligned” and will thank you for helping him become a better person. He will acknowledge that the power of being a Vampire Ascendant would have corrupted him and trapped him, similar to Cazador.

Should you side with the Emperor or Orpheus?

The choice to side with the Emperor or Orpheus in Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3 is a crucial decision that affects the ending of the game. Siding with the Emperor may result in the party becoming mind flayers, while siding with Orpheus can mean losing a character. Consider the potential consequences and choose wisely.

What is the secret post-credit cutscene if you accept Raphael’s deal in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Unfortunately, the article does not provide any information about the secret post-credit cutscene if you accept Raphael’s deal in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Does the emperor in Baldur’s Gate 3 betray you?

If you free Orpheus instead of siding with the Emperor, the Emperor will feel betrayed and join the Netherbrain. This will lead to a final battle where you have to fight the Emperor. Choose your allegiances carefully.

Is freeing Orpheus the good ending in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Whether freeing Orpheus is considered the good ending in Baldur’s Gate 3 depends on personal perspective. It may result in the party becoming mind flayers, which some players may see as undesirable. However, it is ultimately up to the player to decide what they believe to be the right choice in the game.

Should you let Astarion turn you into a vampire?

Letting Astarion turn you into a vampire comes with risks, as there is a small chance of death. However, the benefits of becoming a vampire and gaining his powers may outweigh the risks for some players. Consider your options and the potential consequences before making a decision.

Will Astarion turn you into a vampire?

Astarion has the ability to turn the player character into a vampire by biting them. However, the article does not specify if this is a guaranteed outcome or if it is dependent on the player’s choices and actions in the game.

What happens if you take Raphael’s offer in Baldur’s Gate 3?

If you take Raphael’s offer, you can speak with him in the Devil’s Fee to infiltrate the House of Hope and destroy the contract. However, you will have to defeat Raphael before leaving. This choice leads to every endgame option being open to you.

What happens if you make a deal with Raphael in Baldur’s Gate 3?

If you make a deal with Raphael in Baldur’s Gate 3, you agree to give him the Crown of Karsus in exchange for the Orphic Hammer. This grants you a Legendary weapon, opening up a series of alternate endings to the game.

What happens if you knock out Raphael in Baldur’s Gate 3?

If you knock out Raphael in Baldur’s Gate 3, he will still appear in later acts and make you another offer. However, because you attacked him before
