The Meaning Behind The Song: Young Turks by Rod Stewart


Rod Stewart is one of the most iconic singers of our time, and one of his most successful songs is “Young Turks.” Released in 1981, the song has become a staple of 80s music and remains popular to this day. Its catchy melody and evocative lyrics have struck a chord with people across generations, and it continues to be a favorite among fans of pop and rock music. But what is the meaning behind the song? In this article, we will explore the lyrics and detect the message the song conveys.

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The Lyrics of “Young Turks”

“Kids in the street / Doing the same as me / Will it be us or them?” These opening lines set the tone for the song. “Young Turks” is a song about youth culture and the generational divide. It reflects the energy and restlessness of young people, who are ultimately trying to find their place in the world.

Stewart’s lyrics touch on the frustration experienced by young people who feel misunderstood or ignored by their parents and older generations. The song’s title refers to the Young Turks, a political movement that emerged in the late 19th century in the Ottoman Empire. They were a group of young intellectuals who aimed to reform the traditional political system and bring about change. The term “Young Turks” has since been used to refer to any group of young people attempting to change the status quo.

In the chorus, Stewart sings, “Young hearts be free tonight / Time is on your side / Don’t let them put you down / Don’t let ’em push you around / Don’t let ’em ever change your point of view.” The chorus is a rallying cry for young people to be themselves and not let other people dictate who they should be. It encourages them to stay true to themselves and not be cowed by external pressures that threaten to shape their lives.

The Message of “Young Turks”

The message of “Young Turks” is one of empowerment and independence. The song suggests that young people have a unique perspective and that their ideas and values are just as valid as those of older generations. Stewart is encouraging young people to embrace their youthfulness and take advantage of the opportunities that come with it. He’s saying that they should be daring, not afraid of stepping out of their comfort zones.

Despite the song’s homage to youthful rebellion, “Young Turks” is not an anarchic anthem about throwing caution to the wind. Instead, it’s a call to arms for young people to take responsibility for their lives and create a better future for themselves. Stewart recognizes that it’s not enough to rebel against the status quo; young people must also think critically about the kind of world they want to create and be proactive in shaping it.

The Musical Style of “Young Turks”

The musical style of “Young Turks” is just as important to the song as the lyrics. The song’s upbeat melody, catchy chorus, and driving beat all serve to reinforce the message of the lyrics. The song is infectious and energizing. It’s likely that you’ve found yourself bouncing along to the rhythm or tapping your foot to the beat.

The song is a fusion of several genres, including rock, pop, and disco. The prominent bassline and rhythmic guitar riffs infuse the song with a distinctive rock sound, while the upbeat tempo and catchy melody are more characteristic of pop music. The song’s upbeat tempo and driving beat have made it a club classic over the years, and it continues to stay popular among younger audiences.

The Influence of “Young Turks”

Since its release, “Young Turks” has remained a cultural touchstone for generations of young people. The song’s message of empowerment and independence has resonated with people all over the world. Its catchy melody and upbeat tempo have made it a popular choice for DJs, and it’s still played in bars and clubs across the world.

The song has also influenced other artists. Admittedly, when “Young Turks” was recorded, it was not a groundbreaking sound. However, it went on to become one of Rod Stewart’s most iconic songs, and it has inspired countless artists in the decades since its release. The song has been sampled and covered by a wide variety of artists, from hardcore punk bands to dance music producers.


In conclusion, “Young Turks” is a timeless song about the restlessness of youth and the power of being true to yourself. Its encouraging message and upbeat sound have resonated with generations of young people, inspiring them to aim high and create a better future for themselves. The song’s role in inspiring other artists attests to its lasting influence and the importance of sticking to your creative vision even when it’s not the most popular sound.
