Karma quotes about life, love and relationships

Karma quotes? Well, sometimes people just take others for granted and what we often run around looking for are quotes that would make them see that we have really been bruised by their actions and inactions.

Other times, we get these quotes to learn from them to guide our behavior not to do to others what we won’t have them do to us.

So what is Karma, and what are karma quotes?

The true definition of karma can vary depending on who you ask.

Some people adhere to the traditional meaning grounded in Eastern religions, while others interpret it from more of a Western view of good and bad.

As a result, this can lead to different views on how karma applies to life.

Essentially, though, Karma means action, work, or deed.

The term also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect): good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.

Karma quotes are quotes that point to the direction of cause and effect where one’s deed at one time will just get back to them in equal measure, which is why one always has to strive to do good.

In this article, we are going to look at karma quotes about life in general then we look at karma quotes about love, and then karma quotes about relationships.

Karma quotes about life

These are quotes that talk about life in general and why people need to strive to do good rather than bad.

The principle of Karma teaches us that whatever you do has a way of coming back to you.

You don’t go about doing bad things to others and expect good things to happen to you, this is what karma teaches us.

Be mindful of every action you have to make.

Think as many as possible before doing something good or bad against others because karma is just there waiting for its turn.

Karma never fails to give us what we deserve.

These are karma quotes about life that we should learn;

  • Be good to everyone and expect every good thing to come your way.
  • Do not worry about your enemies. Let their own karma slap them straight in their face.
  • Dear karma, I trust you with my enemy’s fate. I will just wait and watch his fall. Thank you.
  • I hope you enjoy the time you cheated on me. And now it is my turn to enjoy watching you while karma slowly slays you.
  • If you are not afraid of hurting others’ feelings, then be afraid of what karma can do to you.
  • What you get is what you deserve. Do not expect something good in return if you haven’t been good all this time.
  • Karma never forgets those people included in his list. If it’s not today, then expect it some other day.
  • Sooner or later, you will be in that someone else shoes. Be careful how you treated others.
  • I swear I will never go away because I want to be there and watch karma hits you.
  • Life is like a mirror. You get what you give. You are judge by how you judge others. What you do in your life bounces back to you.
  • Are you not afraid of karma? Well, maybe because you never experience how karma works. But if you do, you will think twice before doing anything against others.
  • Do not cry because someone else hurts you. Wait and see how karma handles revenge for you.
  • Be good and you will be loved. Be generous and you will prosper. That’s how life works. You get what you deserve.
  • If you think it is okay to hurt me then you never had an idea that karma is my best friend and it will never think twice to give you its sweetest revenge.
  • I love how karma works. You are wrong if you think karma never notices you. It is just waiting for the perfect time to finally meet you.
  • I am sorry I hurt you. I deserve every worst thing that comes my way. That is the karma I get for hurting you.
  • If you think you get enough, then wait until karma hits its last shot.

Karma quotes about love

  • Before you begin on the journey of revenge, dig two graves.
  • Mess with me? I’ll let Karma do its job. Mess with my family? I become Karma.
  • People who create their own drama deserve their own karma.
  • You cannot control the results, only your actions.
  • Don’t show your attitude to me because “karma” is my best friend.
  • So never rule out retribution. But never expect it.
  • You said I’m a bitch. Well, thank you. And by the way, karma is a better bitch than me. I think you should get along because you deserve to meet her.
  • Karma is way better than love, at least what we give, comes back to us.
  • Let the players play, let the haters hate, and let karma handle their fate.
  • The evil you do remains with you. The Good You Do, Comes back to you
  • Let’s not think of karma as a revenger. More than that, it is a reminder that we should always think before doing anything against others.
  • You cannot control what is going to happen, but you can control your actions and how you deal with it.
  • Plant a seed of goodness and you will harvest the best of all the things in this world.
  • You will never notice karma in your life. It comes a time you think everything is fine but then it’s not.
  • Remember, you will only reap what you sow. Don’t expect to get what you do not give.
  • The key to a happy life is every good thing you do in your life without harming and hurting others.

Karma quotes about relationships

  • How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.
  • They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing.
  • Like gravity, karma is so basic we often don’t even notice it.
  • Nobody deserves misery but sometimes it’s just your turn.
  • The ones you judge today may be the judgments you endure tomorrow.
  • Don’t waste time on revenge. The people who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.
  • The person who is basically evil by nature will always be averse to virtuous deeds. He is always engaged in bad karma.
  • Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in happiness. If we act unvirtuously, suffering results.
  • The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves.
  • Let them fall into the snare which they have laid.
  • I believe in karma, and I believe if you put out positive vibes to everybody, that’s all you’re going to get back.
  • Karma bides its time. You will always have to watch out. Karma is unforgiving and always gets payback.
  • Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • I believe in Karma. If the good is sown, the good is collected. When positive things are made, that returns well.
  • Do good and good will follow you.
  • Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
  • You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.
  • If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you’ll receive good.
  • As long as karma exists, the world changes. There will always be karma to be taken care of.

These Karma quotes will guide our lives and when they decide to misbehave towards us we can send them these karma quotes to reminds them about what’s ahead.

Source: GhBase.com
