Who Is Down For Love Josh Bradley? Is He Still With Sophie?

Josh Bradley from Auckland, New Zealand is the cast member of Netflix’s newest offering, Down For Love. How old is he? What job does he have? He linked with Sophie in the show, are they still together?

Read all about him in this article below.

Josh Bradley On Netflix’s Down For Love

The cast of the Netflix series Down For Love includes several people with Down syndrome. A few young singles who are hoping to find love in New Zealand are the focus of the episode. It is the first time ever that a reality TV show on Netflix has centered on the relationships of people with disabilities.

Attitude Pictures, a business that specializes in creating a video that fosters an understanding of mental illness and disabilities, developed the series. Although production began in March 2022, Covid-19-related difficulties delayed the show’s premiere until August 2023.

One of the cast members we meet is Josh Bradley. He is accompanied by his fellow cast members Libby Hunsdale, Lily Harper, John Halliday, Carlos Biggemann, and Leisel Shepherd.

Are Josh Bradley And Sophie From Down For Love Still Together?

Josh Bradley and Sophie are still in a relationship, that’s what Josh states on his Facebook. On TikTok, the former is highly active and frequently uploads brief videos. Several of his films show Sophie and him having fun together. In one of the videos, they are seen kissing while a love song plays in the background, demonstrating the undeniably romantic nature of their relationship.

But Josh’s first blind date was with a stunning woman named Hayley, and although they had a great time together, they ended up becoming friends. The reality TV star appeared to have enjoyed himself much more on his date with Libby Hunsdale, and the two appeared optimistic that their hunt for love may have come to a conclusion.

However, after their second date, during which they participated in a private cha-cha-cha dance session, she admitted that she believed it could be preferable if they remained friends.

Libby added that she didn’t want to hurt Josh’s feelings, but she believed it might be best if he heard the news from someone else. Nicola, Josh’s mother, therefore, subtly told Josh what the former wished to tell him. Josh had high aspirations for his friendship with Libby, so when those hopes were dashed, he became physically active, which his loved ones soon observed.

However, Josh’s first blind date was with the gorgeous Hayley, and despite the fact that they had a blast together, they ended up becoming friends. The reality TV star seemed to have had a lot more fun on his date with Libby Hunsdale, and the two seemed hopeful that their search for love would have found an end. She did, however, acknowledge that after their second date, which included a private cha-cha-cha dancing lesson, she thought it might be better if they stayed friends.

Later on in the day, Josh and Sophie had the opportunity to take part in a penguin conservation program and closely examine the birds, making the experience absolutely unforgettable. After their tour, Josh asked Sophie if she’d want to go swimming with him next Thursday, and she accepted as they shared ice cream at the beach.

They were observed going barefoot on the sand with dreams of a future filled with love after having their first kiss as a result of this.

Josh Bradley Age

Reportedly born in 1999, Josh Bradley is 24 years of age.

Josh Bradley Job

Josh Bradley works as a part-time cleaner at Rainbow’s End. Growing up, he attended Cockle Bay School. Josh has benefited significantly from receiving speech and language treatment since he was a little child. His parents wished for him to have the same education as his other siblings.

But for Josh, mainstream education would have just been a dream without speech-language therapy supported by the UpsideDowns Education Trust.

In 2015, Josh also received a Fair Play award for the C team where he practiced to become a special Olympic athlete at Special Olympics Howick-Pakuranga.

Is Josh Bradley On Instagram?

No, Josh Bradley doesn’t seem to be on Instagram. He, however, has a Facebook page.

Josh Bradley Family

Josh Bradley’s parents are called Nicola Bradley and Todd Bradley. His parents have been happily married since February 1966.

Todd, according to his Linkedin, works as an Operations Manager at Scholastic. He was working as an Order Fulfilment Manager at Hella NZ lt until April 2023. He attended The University of Waikato.

Not much is known about her mother’s career. On Josh’s birthday in 2021, Nicola wished her son, “Happy 21st birthday my boy!! Dad and I are so proud of you. It’s been awesome watching you grow into the independent, passionate young man you are. You have the most amazing love of life, keep being you and bringing the laughs.”

When Josh was born, Nicola’s coffee group turned into a charitable trust that today funds the speech therapy needs of nearly 300 children with Down syndrome across Aotearoa. But in the beginning, it was only Nicola and her friend Jo. Nic and Jo were meeting up with another parent, Hannah Blow, when the idea for what become UpsideDowns began to form.

“We were just sitting around having a coffee one day saying this is ridiculous, none of us could afford it [speech therapy], it was some hideous amount of money that we were paying on a very regular basis for our kids, but there was no way we wanted to stop it either, so that’s what got us thinking there must be a better way and…started the Trust! It’s so cool to know that it’s still going and that it’s still helping families, it’s so good. Because it’s something that’s really needed in New Zealand.”

The only thing the Bradleys found to be really lacking in Josh was speech; “the sign language actually put him above those other kids for a time and he was talking before others and telling me he needed to do this and all that sort of stuff and they actually picked up sign because of him. But when the gap started going the other way and the kids started talking and Josh wasn’t – or he was trying and words weren’t coming out right – that’s when I went, ok something needs to be done about this.”

Thanks to the group’s efforts, however, UpsideDowns is now providing 292 families with support to access regular, individualized speech therapy for their children with Down syndrome, even if, unfortunately, the public picture hasn’t changed all that much.

Josh has one sister named Max Bradley. Max turned 21 in April 2023. Nicola recently wished her daughter, “Happy 21st Day of Birth Max. It seems like yesterday you were handing us worms and running around the garden starkers (pants are overrated). You have given us so many reasons to be proud of the man you have become, but the proudest moment for me is telling others that you’re my Son!! Love you now and forever. Have an awesome night tonight Crunchy.”

The parents “wouldn’t change him for the world” and his dad also helped him communicate better. From learning sign language, he became the first child in his mum’s coffee group to be able to indicate he wanted food or drink.

Josh’s sister Keira Bradley turned 16 on 31 December 2022.

Related FAQs

  • When Is Josh Bradley Birthday?

Josh Bradley celebrates his birthday on 30 May.

  • Where Is Josh Bradley From?

Josh Bradley calls Howick, New Zealand his hometown. He lives in  Auckland, New Zealand.

  • How Tall Is Josh Bradley?

5’1” appears to be the precise height for Josh Bradley.
