Who is Nia Longs father Doughtry Long? Wikipedia, age, author, books, family, net worth

The famous Doughtry Long was a Trenton poet, author, and teacher. This is the cover of one of his books, Black Love, Black Hope, which was originally published in 1971.

Books: Song for Nia: A Poetic Essay in Three Parts, Black love, Black hope, Rules for Cool

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Nia Long’s father Doughtry Long Wikipedia

Doughtry Long, who was a poet, writer, and photographer, died at the age of 77 earlier this year. While promoting her new film

Nia Long’s father Doughtry Long age

Doughtry Long was born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. His age is not known to the public. Atlanta is the capital of the U.S. state of Georgia. It played an important part in both the Civil War and the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Atlanta History Center chronicles the city’s past, and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site is dedicated to the African-American leader’s life and times. Downtown, Centennial Olympic Park, built for the 1996 Olympics, encompasses the massive Georgia Aquarium.

Nia Long’s father Doughtry Long author of books

Books: Song for Nia: A Poetic Essay in Three Parts, Black love, Black hope, Rules for Cool

Doughtry Long family

Doughtry Long is married to Talita Long. They are very happily married.

net worth

Doughtry was rich and famous with a net worth estimated at around $ 1.5 million.
