Stevenson University Lockdown, Stevenson Lifts Lockdown After Owings Mills Active Shooter Report

Stevenson University Lockdown, Shooting – In a heart-pounding incident that unfolded on the Stevenson University campus, students and staff found themselves facing a potential threat, which thankfully turned out to be a false alarm. What initially appeared to be a harrowing situation concluded with a collective sigh of relief, underscoring the importance of campus safety protocols and vigilant community members. The incident began when two students inside a dormitory reported sighting a man walking on the Owings Mills campus, carrying what seemed to be a rifle. In the blink of an eye, Stevenson University was thrown into chaos, as the report led to the activation of an active shooter alert. Panic and fear rippled through the campus, forcing students and staff to think fast and act to protect themselves.

As news of the active shooter alert spread, students swiftly barricaded themselves inside classrooms, using desks, chairs, book bags, and whatever else they could find to create makeshift barriers. Their immediate response to the perceived threat demonstrated their commitment to safety and their ability to remain composed during a crisis. Raymond Hastings, a student who found himself in the midst of the lockdown, described how he and his fellow students reacted to the situation. “As soon as I first heard it, I jumped on the tables and closed all the blinds, and then everybody got in the corner,” he said. These actions underscore the importance of preparedness and training for emergency situations.

Throughout the lockdown, Stevenson University remained in close contact with local law enforcement agencies, who rapidly mobilized to respond to the reported threat. The Baltimore County Police conducted a meticulous building-to-building search of the entire campus to ensure the safety of everyone involved. Frantic family members rushed to the campus as they learned of the incident, echoing the heightened concern for the well-being of their loved ones. Pat Bacon, a grandmother whose grandchild was on campus, expressed her nervousness, illustrating the far-reaching impact such incidents have on the wider community. For Josh Cho, a student who had experienced a school shooting at Perry Hall High School, the incident brought back haunting memories of that traumatic event.

As authorities investigated the incident, a surprising twist emerged: the perceived threat was the result of two students who had been hunting in nearby woods while carrying BB guns. These students eventually confessed to the police, revealing that their actions had inadvertently triggered the active shooter alert. The BB rifles they had in their possession bore an uncanny resemblance to actual firearms, leading to the confusion. Despite the initial alarm and the hours spent in lockdown, no charges were filed against the students.
