Who is Ziggy Marleys son Gideon Robert Nesta Marley? Bio, age, birthday, mom, pictures

David Nesta “Ziggy” Marley, a Jamaican singer, songwriter, musician, actor, and philanthropist was born on October 17, 1968. He is the son of Rita Marley and legendary reggae singer Bob Marley.

Up until 2002, he served as the band’s leader and produced eight studio albums with Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers. After the band split up, Ziggy established a lucrative solo career by putting out eight studio albums under his own label, Tuff Gong Worldwide. Ziggy records and independently distributes all of his music, carrying on his father’s legacy. Marley has received a Daytime Emmy Award and eight Grammy Awards.

In school, David Marley was given the stage name “Freddie Dic”, meaning “little spliff” by his father Bob Marley. He went on to become known as “Ziggy” after his father’s Ziggy Stardust album in 1970.

With “Children Playing in the Streets,” Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers made their musical debut in 1979. To support the UN’s initiatives during the International Year of the Child, all profits from the song were donated to the organization. Before disbanding in 2002, the trio received a total of five nominations and three Grammy Awards.

Ziggy Marley’s first solo album, Love Is My Religion, won a Grammy for Best Reggae Album in 2006. His song “I Love You Too” was used in the Cbeebies animation 3rd & Bird. Ziggy released his fifth solo studio album Fly Rasta in April 2014.

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Who is Ziggy Marley’s son Gideon Robert Nesta Marley?

The 52-year-old reggae artist is a loving father to seven adorable kids, four of which are sons.

The eldest child of Ziggy Marley’s one marriage is Gideon. Four children total—a daughter named Judah Victoria Marley and three sons named Abraham Selassie—are the offspring of Ziggy and his wife. In addition to Isaiah Sion, Robert Nesta Marley John Nesta Marley Abraham, and Isaiah, Gideon is taking on the task of becoming an example for his younger siblings. Bamabata, Justice, and Zuri Marley are his other siblings.

Gideon Marley is Singer-songwriter, musician, music producer, voice actor, and philanthropist. Safe to say the 15-year-old is closely following behind his father

Gideon Robert Nesta Marley age, birthday,

Gideon Marley was born in 2007, his exact date of birth is unknown. He is 15 as of 2022.

Gideon Robert Nesta Marley mom,

His mother, Orly Agai, is an Israeli of Iranian and Jewish ancestry and a former vice president of the William Morris Agency.


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