Who is Laura Bellizzi? Reality star has a child with Paris Hiltons spouse Carter Reum

American author and venture capitalist Carter Reum turned heads in February 2021 when he announced his engagement to socialite Paris Hilton. Come November, the two are now married, which has put Reum in the public spotlight, revealing some truly interesting things. It's now been reported he has a nine-year-old daughter he never sees but has been supporting after a relationship with little-known reality star Laura Bellizzi. 

In August, Hilton returned to Netflix with 'Cooking With Paris', where she revealed she was ready to take the next step with Reum. The duo made their relationship public back in April 2020, with an Instagram photo that instantly went viral. It came two years after the high-profile breakup of Hilton and Chris Zylka.


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Dating Hilton has put Reum under the scanner like never before, and now we've learned something truly shocking. He reportedly has a love child with Bellizzi, but it's not a big secret. "The people who this story matters to have known about it for 10 years," Reum's spokesperson said. So who is Laura Bellizzi? Here's what we know.

Who is Laura Bellizzi?

The reality star is known for her short-lived VH1 series 'Secrets of Aspen' in 2010. Beyond that, it's unclear if she appeared in any other shows, as she doesn't appear to have an IMDb page. The next year, Bellizzi made headlines after she became pregnant, and it was widely speculated Mel Gibson was the father, as the two were dating at the time. Both Gibson and Bellizzi denied those allegations, and now we know the father is actually Reum.

It's unclear when Reum and Bellizzi hooked up. Because she's so low profile, it's extremely hard to find any information about Bellizzi. The presence of the child was confirmed by Page Six, which also reported Reum signed a document acknowledging he was the father, despite not taking a paternity test. When the news broke, Reum's spokesperson told Page Six, "Carter supports this child. While he does not have a traditional father-daughter relationship with her, he has provided for her since she was born, and will continue to do so."

Child 'triggered' by coverage

A source Page Six spoke to said the child now lives in California with her mom and has only seen her dad once in nine years. It's reportedly taking a toll on the child, who reportedly feels "tremendous rejection" at being left out of her dad's life. "She just wants to really complete the missing pieces of her puzzle," said the source, adding, "she just wants a relationship with him (Reum)."

The child's woes have reportedly been worsened by the coverage of Reum's wedding to Hilton. "I cannot begin to describe the pain she feels. She is of an age now where she is cognizant and wants her paternal family to hear her and know her. He may not claim or love her, but she claims and loves him and his family," the source said. The person added the widespread coverage "triggered" the child.

It's unclear how the wedding to Hilton will change Reum's relationship, but he certainly wants to have children. In January, Hilton revealed Reum was "so supportive" while she was undergoing IVF fertility treatments. "From the beginning of Paris and Carter’s relationship, he was upfront with her about the matter. They are looking forward to starting their own family together in the future," the spokesperson added.
