The unsolved murders of Ron Goldmans coworkers

Whatever really happened that night at Bundy drive one dark and unsettling question has not only remained unanswered, but also largely unasked - was there a drugs connection to the murders?

Johnnie Cochran briefly broached a drugs angle at the trial when he asked about Nicole's neck would resembling the Colombian necktie, a form of killing favoured by drugs gangs that involves slitting the throat from ear to ear.

Aside from this, both sides retreated from any connections the drugs underworld may have had in the crime and the subject was not mentioned again. However, from a look at the various key players involved, and both OJ and victims’ social circles, it’s quite clear that the environment in which the crimes committed was steeped in drugs.

Perhaps it is the sheer scope and breadth of the drugs connections that made both sides reluctant to touch the subject; many unifying truths could be uncovered by delving too deep into that world. But with the murders occurring in a time and a place that was an epicentre of drugs related violence it would clearly be foolish to dismiss the avenue of investigation altogether.

It was well known in Hollywood circles that OJ Simpson and Nicole Brown were heavy cocaine users. But it appears for both of them their involvement in drugs had progressed beyond the kind of casual use you would except in the world they lived in.

Nicole, according to friends, was just days from entering rehab at the time of her death. Like her friend Faye Resnick, it appeared her drug use was becoming reckless and dangerous. On one occasion the pair even freebased coke whilst driving through LA.

OJ himself had been suspected or caught actually dealing drugs both before and after the murders. In 1975 he was the target of an FBI sting when he was suspected of dealing coke to NFL players. Simpson’s friend and confident Al Cowlings, who was in the White Bronco with OJ during the famous slow speed chase down a south LA highway, also used to work for Mafia drug kingpin Joey Ippolito.

Caught up in that 1975 drug sting was an associate of OJ's named Casimir Sucharski, who would later become one of a string of people to be brutally murdered around the same time as Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.

Just three weeks after the murders at Bundy Drive, Sucharski and two others were slaughtered in Sucharski’s Florida home in what looked some kind of drug burn or hit. Whilst the connection to what happened at Bundy may be tenuous, what of the Ron Goldman’s friends Brett Cantor and Michael Nigg?

Cantor, a local nightclub entrepreneur, was a mutual friend of both Ron and Nicole. He was brutally stabbed to death a year before Goldman was also stabbed to death in remarkably similar fashion.

A year after Goldman's death another friend of his, fellow Mezzaluna employee Michael Nigg, was gunned down at a cashpoint in LA. Nothing was taken and it appeared the motive was not robbery.

That four middle class white people from the same social circle, all from solid family backgrounds, would be brutally murdered gangland style in a relatively short two year period seems suspicious, equally so since none of the murders have ever been solved. Could there be a connection?
